it came into common use after the meiji period . 明治以降一般化した。
now , the most common use of copper , zinc and plastic is in a plumbing pipe . 銅、亜鉛、プラスチックの 配管パイプかも
it came into common use later . 後に一般化。
souhatsu: this hairstyle started in the old ages but came into common use at the end of the edo period . 総髪(そうはつ):古くから存在したが幕末期に一般に流行。
misasagi station was moved westward approximately 300 meters and became the underground station for common use with the kyoto municipal subway tozai line . 御陵駅を西へ約300m移設し、京都市営地下鉄東西線との共同駅として地下化。
moreover , the term " gonancho (second southern court )" didn ' t come into common use until after world war ii , so up until then the term was not firmly established . また後南朝という呼び方も戦後広まったもので戦前までは定着してはいなかった。
it is expressed in the present writing system due to the problems pertaining to a nation ' s script (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use and the list of 1006 kanji taught in japanese primary schools ). なお国語国字問題(当用漢字・常用漢字・教育漢字)により現表記となる。
another combination of kanji characters " 角力 " is used due to the limited number of kanji characters designated for daily use (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use , and kanji taught in japanese primary schools ). 国語国字問題(当用漢字、常用漢字、教育漢字)により角力が別名でもある。
on the other hand , another kanji letter referring to a fence , ' 垣 ' originally refers to the one made of stones , but today only ' 垣 ' is used as a kanji for common use referring to both types of fence . 「垣」は石などで作られた物であるが、「垣」だけが常用漢字として両方に使われるようになった。
with respect to divinations and calendars , takashima ekidan and takashima-reki (takashima calendar ) by jingukan in ueno ward , tokyo is relatively in common use , but their art cannot be referred to as onmyodo . 占術や暦については九星占術を基本とする東京都上野区の神宮館による高島易断・高島暦が比較的よく使用されているが、この術式は陰陽道とは言い難い。